Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Overdriven Guitar
Overdriven Guitar
Electric Bass (finger]
Lead 1 (square]
Backing Vocals
Lead 1 (square]
Backing Vocals 2
Lead 1 (square]
Rhythm 2
Overdriven Guitar
Don't make me list-en to the stu-pid bro-ken re-cord a-gain, the nee-dle's skip-pin' and re-peat-in' nev-er reach-in' the end, you know you're bitch-in' and com-plain-in' like you got it so tough, we're sick of all your cry-in' will you ev-er shut-up? So keep bleed-ing your fake blood. 'Til no one ev-en sees it, if that's the best ya can make up, at least act like ya mean it! Give up the grudge! Bet-ter shut your mouth! Why you got-ta judge ev-ery-bod-y but your-self? Take a look a-round you there ain't no-bod-y home! I may be a los-er but at least I'm not a-lone. Your Mer-ced-es won't start yeah, that's a cry-in' shame I guess nine-ty K a year buys noth-in' but com-plain. The peo-ple in the neigh-bor-hood think that I'm a threat while the boss gets rich-er they get deep-er in debt! So keep... Give up the grudge. You bet-ter shut your mouth. Why you got-ta judge ev-ery-bod-y but your-self? Take a look a-round you there ain't no-bod-y home. I may be a los-er but at least I'm not a Give up the grudge. You bet-ter shut your mouth. Why you got-ta judge ev-ery-bod-y but your-self? Take a look a-round you there ain't no-bod-y home. I may be a los-er but at least I'm not a-lone. Give up the grudge! Bet-ter shut your mouth! Why you got-ta judge ev-ery-bod-y but your-self? Take a look a-round you there ain't no-bod-y home! I may be a los-er but at least I'm not a Give up the grudge! Bet-ter shut your mouth! Why you got-ta judge ev-ery-bod-y but your-self? Take a look a-round you there ain't no-bod-y home! I may be a los-er but at least I'm not a Give up the grudge! Bet-ter shut your mouth! Why you got-ta judge ev-ery-bod-y but your-self? Take a look a-round you there ain't no-bod-y home! I may be a los-er but at least I'm not a-lone.